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LODGES OF FRIENDSHIP – ANNUAL GATHERING | Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire

On Saturday 18th June 2016, the Lodge of Friendship No. 7902, hosted meeting at Kings Heath, the 18th Gathering of the Lodges of Friendship.

The special meeting, held under dispensation from the PGM saw Lodges of Friendship from all over the country getting together to strengthen the bond of their association through having the same name. Lodges from as far afield as, Cumberland & Westmorland and Devonshire attended the meeting with the next Lodge to host the Gathering, the Lodge of Friendship No. 100, in the Province of Norfolk taking over the Ceremonial Gavel to be used next year in Great Yarmouth.

The meeting included an illustrated lecture by W. Bro. Mike Neville titled, ‘Crime and the Craft’. It was billed as being both educational and interesting, both of which it certainly was. Add to that enlightening and very amusing and you have the full flavour of the evening – 80 Brethren representing, 10 Lodges of Friendship totally enthralled. W. Bro. Neville is a published author who presents his talks to Freemasons all over the world.

The following Lodges of Friendship attended:

  • Lodge of Friendship No. 100, (Norfolk) – Hosts in 2017
  • Lodge of Perpetual Friendship, No.135, (Somerset)
  • Lodge of Friendship, No. 202, (Devon)
  • Lodge of Friendship, No. 277, (E. Lancs.)
  • Lodge of Friendship, No. 750, (Yorks. WR)
  • Lodge of Friendship, No. 5909, (Warks.)
  • Lodge of Friendship, No. 7168, (Leics. & Rutland)
  • Lodge of Friendship, No. 7902, (Worcs) – Hosts in 2016
  • Lodge of Friendship, No. 8275, (Cumb. & Westm.)
  • Hands of Friendship, Lodge No. 9758, (Glos.)

In the spirit of, “Friendship by name and Friendship by nature”, the jovial atmosphere continued into the Festive Board. Wine, toasts and speeches flowed with military precision, there were even concerns about the integrity of the roof when the ‘massed choir’ of the Lodges of Friendship struck up with the National Anthem and the Masters Song.

The gathering was a fantastic afternoon and evening enjoyed by all.

Well done to the catering staff at Kings Heath for providing us with a great service and an excellent meal.


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