Reading Time: 4 minutes

Lodges that meet at Plymouth Mt.Edgcumbe – The Masonic Hall, Citadel Road, Plymouth PL1 2NG – Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire

Plymouth Mt.Edgcumbe – The Masonic Hall, Citadel Road, Plymouth PL1 2NG

Lodge of Sincerity No. 189

Held on the Second Monday of each month, except August. Tyle: 18.45 hrs
Secretary Robert Truesdale    [email protected]

Lodge of Fidelity No. 230

Held on the First Monday in each month, except August and May Tyle: 18.45 hrs
Secretary B.P. Weinling (01752) 296 519 [email protected]


Metham Lodge No. 1205

Held on Second Tuesday of each month in July, October, November, December, February and March. Tyle: 18.45 hrs Secretary A.J. Robinson (01752) 340 341 [email protected]


St. John’s Lodge No. 1247

Held on Second Thursday in each month, except July and August. Tyle: 18.45 hrs
Secretary John Crofts 01752 491548 07505363316   [email protected]


Dundas Lodge No. 1255

Held on the Third Friday in each month, except July and August. Tyle: 19.00 hrs Secretary S.A. Chaplin (01752) 311 546 [email protected]


Lodge of St. George No.2025
Held on the third Friday of each month, except July, August and December. Tyle: 18.45 hrs
Secretary Ian Cosgrove [email protected]


Western District United Service Lodge No. 2258

Held on the Third Wednesday in each month, except July and August. Tyle: 18.30 hrs
Secretary E.J. Collings (01752) 771 166 [email protected]


Royal Naval Lodge No. 3337

Held on Second Wednesday in each month, except August – March (Installation 2nd Saturday) Tyle: 18.30 hrs Secretary R. W. Lillicrap (01752) 843 616 [email protected]


St. John The Evangelist No. 4405

Held on Fourth Tuesday in each month, except August and December. Tyle: 18.45 hrs
Secretary C.J. Dulling (01752) 302 659 [email protected]

Lord Roborough Lodge No. 5789

On the Fourth Wednesday of each month, except August, and Third Monday in December. Tyle: 18.45 hrs
Secretary B.F. Evans (01752) 844 141 [email protected]

Sutton Lodge No. 6580

Held on First Tuesday in each month, except February, April, June, July, August and October. Tyle: 19.00 hrs Secretary A.L. Harwood (01752) 777 402 [email protected]

Royal Marines Plymouth Lodge No. 9528

Held on First Thursday in February, April, September and November. Tyle: 18.30 hrs
Secretary B. Phillips (01752) 796 018 [email protected]

The Chapter of Fidelity No. 230

Held on the Fourth Thursday in February, June, September and November. Tyle: 18.30 hrs
Scribe E  A.D. Vangorph (01752) 214 156 [email protected]

Elliott Chapter No. 1205

Held on First Tuesday in February, June, October and December.
Scribe E R.N. Clarke (01822) 853 493 [email protected]

Dundas Chapter No. 1255

Held on First Thursday in March, May, July, October and December Tyle: 18.45 pm
Scribe E A.J. Parker (01752) 203 252 [email protected]

Royal Naval Chapter No. 3337 

Fourth Thursday in Januery, April July and October. Tyle: 18.30 hrs Scribe E R.W. Lillicrap (01752) 843 616 [email protected]