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Lodge St. Andrew No.228 Insch help Local Primary School

Lodge St. Andrew No.228 Insch.


Lodge St Andrew 228, located in Insch, received a letter from Bhenn and Emma from the Insch out of school club. They were seeking assistance in relation to an ongoing Gardening Project in a small field at the rear of Insch Community Hall. There are approximately forty children from primary 1-7 involved.

They were seeking any seeds or gardening items which could be utilised in their garden. Hardwood borders are to be constructed and vegetable and fruit boxes cultivated.

The Lodge were delighted to hand over a cheque for the sum of £50 to give support to local children in this worthwhile and fun gardening project. I am sure with the staffs guidance the children will learn and appreciate the benefits of growing your own fruit and vegetables.

We always try and support local groups wherever possible and have been located in the village for over 200 years.