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Lodge CC Visit to Castlederg on 23rd April 2016.

Castlederg Masonic Hall, Lower Main Street, Castlederg

Castlederg Masonic Hall, Lower Main Street, Castlederg

On Saturday the 23rd April we will have the great honour to join with the Brethren of Castlederg Lodge No 799 I.C. and assist them to celebrate their one hundred and seventy fifth anniversary of service to Irish Freemasonry. One of their Brethren Very Wor Bro the Rev Canon T.Henry Trimble, an enthusiastic member of the Lodge will present a history of the Lodge and its part in the history of the town of Castlederg, This Brother is of course better known to most of us as The Most Excellent Assistant Grand King of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.

M.Ex Comp The Rev Canon T. Henry Trimble.

M.Ex Comp The Rev Canon T. Henry Trimble.

We are hoping for a good turn out of our own members to mark this special occasion and look forward to welcolming Rt Wor Bro Maurice Lee Provincial Grand Master of Tyrone and Fermanagh and one of his assistant P.G.Master’s Rt Wor Bro Joe Fleming. It will be an interesting experience for these two Brethren to attend a Lodge meeting within their Province, where they do not get offered the maul, as Lodge CC is a unique Masonic Lodge, meeting under the direct control of The Grand Lodge of Ireland.

A View of the Lodge Anti-Room in Castlederg.

A View of the Lodge Anti-Room in Castlederg.

As one would expect in a Lodge of this age, there are many interesting artifacts to be seen with the Lodge-room and anti-room. On one wall is a fascinating collection of past Masters of the Lodge, and as you would expect in a small country Lodge, there are many images of Brethren bearing the same family name, but coming from different generations.

Photographs of Some of the Past Master's of The Lodge.

Photographs of Some of the Past Master’s of The Lodge.

One particular item of interest is a framed Lodge banner or flag which was made specially for the Lodge by the mother of one of its members. It is a fascinating item, located on the Entrance Wall to the Lodgeroom.

Lodge Banner for Castlederg Masonic Lodge No 799 I.C.

Lodge Banner for Castlederg Masonic Lodge No 799 I.C.

On another wall you will find a framed example of an interesting painted French silk apron, from the 1830-40 period, and preserved for future members of the Craft in the Castlederg area.

Early Painted French Silk Apron.

Early Painted French Silk Apron.

Brethren, I hope that you have enjoyed this little sampler, to give you some idea of the pleasures that await you on Saturday afternoon. You will need to be at the Hall around 1.30pm and if you wish to join us in the Derg Arms for a meal, after the meeting then contact either Wor Bro Ian McIntyre or myself, and let us know that you are coming. We are hoping for a good turn out from the Host Lodge, and hope to see as many of you present, as possible.