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Lodge 19 Coupar O’Fife

Lodge 19 Coupar O’Fife


This coming November, Lodge 19 will be playing host to a number of brethren from Iceland. We have forged a strong friendship with the Icelandic brethren over the past couple of years with fantastic visits exchanged between the two countries. This will be an historic event as it is the largest group of brethren from Iceland we have had visit to date. It is also of note that the next Lodge due to be constituted in Iceland will be number ’19’!
I’m sure our visitors will still be smiling from their countries performance in ‘Euro 2016’!

A preliminary schedule is as follows:

1-6 Nov 2016 -14 brothers and 10 wives from Iceland will be visiting us – staying in Edinburgh

Suggestions so far from them are:

2nd November Wednesday: In the morning sight seeing
Grand lodge building in Edinburgh. Meeting in Lodge 19

3rd November Thursday: Full day visiting Rosslyn
Chapel. Meeting in Fife in the evening
lodge to be arranged.

4th November Friday: Afternoon or morning sightseeing
in Fife or Edinburgh Mary’s chapel? / Fife Lodges? (any
suggestions). Meeting in Fife in the evening lodge to
be arranged.

5th November: Saturday: Ceilidh in Cupar
(sadly Kevin will be away that week and cannot contribute to this… any ideas?)

6th November Sunday: Go home.

Please feel free to suggest any lodges and or activities below.