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Inland Empire Lodge Celebrates 125 Years

On April 2, 2016, brothers from Inland Empire Lodge No. 306 held a festive celebration in honor of the lodge’s 125th anniversary.

City officials from Rialto were included in the festivities. Rialto Council Member Edward M. Palmer and Rialto City Treasurer Edward Carrillo, a member of the lodge, presented Master Drew Lucas with a 125th anniversary proclamation from the City of Rialto. In the proclamation, the city praised the lodge for its ongoing service to local community members and schools.

At the celebration, Secretary Charlie Brown and his son, Junior Grand Deacon David Brown, presented Grand Master M. David Perry with a commemorative gavel. This gavel had special emotional significance: It was handmade from trees harvested from Roger Bishop’s property. Bishop was both Charlie Brown’s father-in-law and Perry’s grandfather. A Mason himself, Bishop inspired both men to become involved in DeMolay and Masonry. The gavel’s sounding block is made of juniper; the handle, of eucalyptus; and the head, from mulberry. Perry plans to use the gavel to open Annual Communication.

The lodge also unearthed a 1966 time capsule, which included, among other items, historic photos dating back to 1920; a 1966 newspaper article about Grand Lodge officers; a historical summary of the lodge’s history from 1934; and an envelope containing a small U.S. flag.

The capsule was replaced with its original contents, along with information about the 125th celebration, current coins, a photo of current lodge officers, information about Raising A Reader, and Grand Master Perry’s pin.

Charlie Brown reported that the anniversary celebration process provided a sense of Masonry’s enduring relevance for himself and younger lodge members. As brothers reviewed the newspapers, photos, and other historic artifacts of the brothers who worked to develop the lodge in their community many years ago, they renewed their commitment to strengthen their lodge and its impact in the Rialto community. For more information about the event, contact Charlie Brown.

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