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Harrogate Flowers will show United Grand Lodge logo

The Mayor of the Borough of Harrogate, Councillor Anne Jones (second from left), joined local members of the United Grand Lodge of England and Harrogate Borough Council’s Parks team to plant the bulbs on Well Hill in Harrogate

Nearly 2000 blue and white grape hyacinth bulbs have been planted on Well Hill in Harrogate, in the shape of the logo of the United Grand Lodge of England.

The bulbs, which have been laid out in a design representing the organisation’s square and compasses logo, were planted by the Mayor of the Borough of Harrogate Councillor Anne Jones and local Assistant Provincial Grand Master Paul Clarke, along with members of local lodges.

Each year, Harrogate Borough Council creates themed flower beds, which often celebrate an anniversary or event.

2017 is a double celebration year for freemasons, with The United Grand Lodge of England celebrating its tercentenary and The Province of Yorkshire, West Riding celebrating its bicentenary.

The design of the flower bed, on the grassy bank between Cornwall Road and Swan Road on Well Hill, was laid out and planted by staff from Harrogate Borough Council’s Parks team.  The grand lodge made a donation to cover the cost of the bulbs and the labour.

The two metre wide logo, picked out in 300 white and 1500 blue grape hyacinths, will come into full bloom in the spring of 2018.