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Gundulph Lodge’s Tercentenary Jewels

The members of Gundulph Lodge proudly wearing their Tercentenary Jewels.

The members of Gundulph Lodge proudly wearing their Tercentenary Jewels.

Gundulph Lodge No 1050, meeting in Rochester, found a novel way to begin their celebration of the Tercentenary of English Freemasonry.

The Tercentenary Jewel

The Tercentenary Jewel

Using money saved from donations made by its members at their weekly Lodge of Instruction, sufficient was raised to purchase a Tercentenary Jewel for each member of the Lodge.

The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) Commemorative Jewel, authorised in conjunction with the Tercentenary, can be worn by all Freemasons who at any time between 24th June 2016 and 31st December 2017, are members of Lodges under UGLE.

After its regular meeting on 7th November, when Daniel Wood completed his Master Mason’s Degree, the members gathered around the Master’s pedestal and proudly displayed their new jewels.

Click here to read more about the Tercentenary of English Freemasonry.