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Freemasons raise £7500 for good causes with Oban to Fife walk

A group of intrepid freemasons have raised over £7500 for good causes by walking from Oban to St Andrews.

The group raised funds for good causes.

The walkers, all members of masonic lodges in Perthshire, covered the 135 miles cross-country trek in nine days. Along the way they passed through Stirling, Lochearnhead and Rob Roy’s grave at Balquidder.

The funds they raised through sponsorship will be to help good causes in their communities.

Organiser Willie Semple said: “Our initial target was to raise £3000 so it is a huge bonus to reach more than double that.

“In the past we’ve supported primary schools, food banks, nursery schools, care homes and other organisations who need some help to help others.

“It is likely similar groups will benefit this time round.

“We were very fortunate the weather stayed good throughout our walk, it made everything so much more enjoyable.”

The route took in Dalmally, Tyndrum, Crianlarich, Lochernhead, Comrie, Dalreoch Bridge, Abernethy, Cupar and St Andrews