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Freemasons on the Costa Blanca make first donation since lockdown

DONATION: Raquel Payá special needs school will be able to buy new uniforms. CREDIT: Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

Lodge Arenal Deportiva, have donated €2,000 to the Raquel Payá special needs school, their first since lockdown.

The school is one of the charities selected for support by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Right Worshipful Brother Danny Coburn, during his now extended year in office.

MASTER OF THE LODGE: Danny Coburn. CREDIT: Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

He said: “Due to the requirements of the school in normal times and in particular at present, in addition to the many hardships and problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic, there are many more calls on the school’s very limited funds than would be expected.

“In particular there is a greater demand than usual for staff uniforms which, as you can imagine, are very heavily used and need washing twice per day.

“This means that each of the 100 staff, need two uniforms, which cost €40 each, so, it is no small undertaking to constantly supply new, clean uniforms.”

When the Masons of the Lodge heard of this, they felt they should offer immediate help and a special vote was held between all members, as a Lodge meeting was out of the question during confinement.

The Masons all voted in favour of making a rapid donation to help the school.

And so, in addition to a generous donation €2,000 from the Masonic Homes of Valencia organisation, the Lodge agreed to donate a further donation €2,000 to allow the school to buy the uniforms required.