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Freemasons of Crediton in Devon to hold Open Day Saturday, September 2

An Open Day will be held at Crediton Masonic Lodge to offer people a better insight into what Freemasonry is about.

AS part of the 300 year celebrations to mark the formation of the Freemasons the Unity Lodge in Crediton will be holding an Open Day on Saturday, September 2, from 2pm to 6pm.

Over the past few years the Freemasons have become much more accessible and transparent and the open day will offer an opportunity for people to better understand Freemasonry.

Freemasons come from all walks of life, from judges to lorry drivers, and are no longer shrouded in secrecy as they once were. They have a special dresscode and honour the old-fashioned values of friendship, trust and integrity.

Experienced Freemasons will be available on the day to answer any questions and will give guided tours of Crediton Masonic Lodge, which was purpose built in the 19th century and will celebrate150 years on June 24, 2020.

On the ground floor there is a large dining room which can be hired, and makes an ideal meeting room. Also on the ground floor are the kitchen and two committee rooms where visitors will be able to see photographs and items connected to the Crediton Freemasons.

The meeting room on the first floor, where the Freemasons hold their meetings and ceremonies, is stunning with its beautiful symbolic ceiling, carved stone fireplace, antique furniture and four beautifully carved throne chairs.

The chair at the east end of the room, facing west, is the biggest and belongs to the master of the lodge and the other three are for Freemasons who hold high rank.

These and other chairs are arranged around the outside of the room around a black and white “checkerboard” floor (representing the dark and light in life).

There are many symbolic items of interest in the room, which are of great significance to the Freemasons who are said to be the second biggest charity donor in the country, second to the Lottery and raise a substantial amount from donations and draws.

At the end of the open day a number of local groups and organisations will benefit from a share of £1,800 of Brethren money during a cheque presentation ceremony which will begin at 6pm. Refreshments will be available.

To find out more go along to the Open Day at the Crediton Masonic Lodge which is located in Union Road.