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Freemasons host Christmas lunch for Linslade Senior Citizens

Christmas lunch for Linslade senior citizens

The Mayor of Leighton-Linslade, Cllr. Syed Rahman, recently attended a Christmas Luncheon at Stanbridge Rugby Club. Hosted by St Barnabas Lodge, No. 948, and Taplow Lodge, No. 3111, both of which meet at the Masonic Centre in Linslade, the guests of honour were mainly residents of the local sheltered housing project.

The guests were greeted by the Mayor and then offered a sherry or soft drink followed by a full Christmas Luncheon of Turkey and all the trimmings, not forgetting the Christmas pudding.

After lunch local group the ‘ROCK of AGES’ had the guests singing and dancing to a great selection of Rock & Roll classics. After all the festive fun everyone settled down to tea, cakes, and a raffle, before leaving for home.

David Ball, a past Master of Taplow Lodge, acted as head steward and the meal was prepared by David’s wife, Jean Ball MBE. Jean was ably assisted by some of the other wives of the Lodge members who were also in attendance to help serve the meals.

Cllr. Rahman commented that the event, food and service were wonderful and he was sure that all the guests had enjoyed a most convivial time.

David added: “It is always a pleasure to host this Christmas event and we know that those attending have great fun and thoroughly enjoy themselves.”