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Freemasons donate £600 to Cheshire Home Windermere

Cheque presentation to Leonard Cheshire Home, Holehird, Windermere

On 20 June 2017 W Bro Thomas Bland PPSGW was delighted to present  cheques to

Karin Grandal-Park of Leonard Cheshire Home Windermere for £600.00.  The money  had been raised by Freemasons on the occasion of W Bro Bland’s 50 years in Freemasonry certificate presentation in February from a collection, raffle and auction of table decorations made by his wife Mary.

W Bro Bland was accompanied at the presentation by his wife Mary, W Bro Brian Holcroft and  W.Bro Alan Mitchinson

Submitted on 2nd July 2017
by W.Bro Mak Cunningham