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Freemasons Donate £5,000 to Scout Appeal

On Saturday 17 March the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, Worshipful Brother Martin Wilson, was invited to Panmure Lodge No. 715 which meets at Mark Masons Hall London to make a presentation to the Lodge on the Bedfordshire Scout Project. After the presentation he then answered questions from the assembled members and visitors. The Worshipful Master then presented Worshipful Brother Martin with a cheque from the Lodge for £5,000. Membership of the Lodge is drawn from all over the country extending as far as Cornwall and Kent in the South to Nottingham and Norfolk in the North and East, with even one member living in Hong Kong!

Pictured below are the members that were present on that evening with the Worshipful Master handing over the cheque to Worshipful Brother Martin Wilson. One member of the Lodge was so impressed by the scheme that he donated a £1,000 of his money to the project on top of the £5,000 given by the Lodge.