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Freemasons donate £500 to Parkinson’s (UK)

At the installation meeting of Preston Guild Lodge No 4408 a number of charitable donations were made including one in support of Parkinson’s (UK). The immediate past master of the lodge Malcolm Berry, accompanied by members of the lodge, had the pleasure of personally presenting the cheque, to the value of £500 to the society.

Pictured from left to right, are: John Baron, David Gregson, Richard James, Keith Jackson, Malcolm Berry and Paul Wilson.
Pictured from left to right, are: John Baron, David Gregson, Richard James, Keith Jackson, Malcolm Berry and Paul Wilson.

Keith Jackson, a member of the lodge, feeling unable to continue his Masonic career because of his progressive Parkinson’s disease condition, made the difficult decision to resign from the lodge.

The lodge almoner Richard James, made a submission to the lodge members that in recognition of Keith’s contribution to the lodge over the years, a charitable donation should be made to Parkinson’s (UK), the Preston branch, which has helped Keith so much in recent years and continues to do so. In hearing Richard’s submission, the members, without hesitation, unanimously supported such a donation.

A number of brethren, accompanied by Keith wearing his Royal Marines beret, attended a regular meeting of the society in Preston. There they met Paul Wilson, Chairman of Preston and District Branch of Parkinson’s (UK), who welcomed them to the meeting.

Prior to the presentation, Malcolm gave a brief resumé of some of Keith’s activities, from his invaluable service to Preston Guild Lodge to his excellent service record with the Royal Marines that continues today. Keith is a valued member of the Royal Marines Association and now is Vice Chairman of the Preston and District Branch of Parkinson’s UK.

Turning to the society members present, he mentioned the appreciation felt by all for the outstanding work that the society members do, as volunteers to assist people affected by Parkinson’s.

It seemed fitting that Keith, in his capacity as vice chairman of the branch, accepted the cheque for £500 from Malcolm. In return, he presented Malcolm with a ‘Thank you’ certificate recording the occasion, a certificate that will take its place in the lodge records.