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Freemasons donate £25000 to Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre

Freemasons donate £25000 to Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy CentreThe donation stems  from a public ballot to decide how to spend £3 million of charity funding as part of the United Grand of England’s tercentenary celebrations where Freemasons nominated 300 charities across England and Wales to receive a grant from the Masonic Charity Foundation.

The MS Therapy Centre has been operating for 34 years and provides a variety of therapies and services for people living with Multiple Sclerosis.

The aim is keep their members as mobile and as independent as possible within the confines of their condition. Their Vision is for a centre of excellence providing professional specialist therapies and support for people with MS in a self-help environment that inspires and empowers.

There are approximately 3,336 people in Beds and Northants living with MS, of which 795 are registered at with the Centre and 375 attend on a weekly basis. We have two newly diagnosed clients each week. The services we offer help people to self-manage their condition, and include; MS Specialist Nurse, Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Adapted Gym, Counsellor, Dietician, Orthotics, Bowen Therapy, APS, Reflexology, Shiatsu, and more! Our specially adapted Minibus collects people from their homes who would not otherwise be able to get to the Centre. For some their weekly visit to the Centre is their only link with the outside world.

The MS Therapy Centre do not receive any regular government funding and rely upon the goodwill of the local community and fundraising events.

Masonic Charitable Foundation

Funded entirely through the generosity of Freemasons and their families, the Masonic Charitable Foundation is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country.

Most of the support provided by the Masonic Charitable Foundation takes the form of financial grants to individuals and families to assist with daily living costs.  We can also award grants to provide specific items or services.

A range of health and care needs, including medical and dental treatments, counselling and mobility aids or home adaptations are supported, with funding also available for respite, residential, nursing and dementia care.

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