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Freemasons donate £240,000 to Devonshire school

Okehampton College in Devon will receive dedicated, specialist support to help improve outcomes for all children vulnerable to underachievement thanks to a £240,000 grant to Achievement for All.

Achievement for All

Achievement for All is a leading not-for-profit organisation that works in partnership with early years settings, schools and colleges, improving outcomes for all children and young people regardless of their background, challenge or need.

Last year, the charity received a grant of £240,000 to fund the Achieving Schools programme, which dramatically enhances the goals and outcomes of pupils. The programme addresses the issues faced by children and staff though four key areas: leadership, teaching and learning, wider outcomes and opportunities and parent and carer engagement.

This grant will allow 53 schools in England and Wales to take part in the Achieving Schools programme.

Schools that have benefited from this programme have seen a positive impact on the development of teaching, increased pupil attendance as well as improved confidence amongst pupils in their own abilities to achieve.

Okehampton College

Vicky Thornton at Okehampton College said:

“We are delighted to receive support from the Devonshire Freemasons and Achievement for All. We are committed to providing the best education for all our pupils and are excited that we will be working with a dedicated coach to support our teachers to improve the outcomes for the children and young people in our school.”

Sonia Blandford, CEO of Achievement for All said:

“The UK education system is not meeting the needs of at least one in five children and young people: the disadvantaged, vulnerable and underachieving. In response, Achievement for All is challenging this position with education, public and third sector partners, with the aim of helping schools, to achieve, aspire, and ensure access for all children, regardless of their background, challenge or needs. Investment in children is needed; the Masonic Charitable Foundation responded with a generous donation which is impacting on the lives of so many, supporting leaders and teachers, parents and carers to impact on educational outcomes and improve life chances.  Our heartfelt thanks to all involved.”

Devonshire Freemasons visited Okehampton College to find out more

Dr. Reuben Ayres.Provincial Grand Charity Steward of the Devonshire Freemasons, said:

“We are very pleased to be able to help Achievement for All with their excellent programme at Okehampton College, Developing children’s core strength and resilience can improve confidence and engage children in learning. By supporting these pupils now we can play an important part in helping them make the most of their education and developing themselves for a successful future”.

The post Devonshire school benefits from Achievement for All grant appeared first on Masonic Charitable Foundation.