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Freemasons Auction of Promises something to sing about!

The long-awaited Auction of Promises was held at Oswestry’s Wynnstay Hotel on 1st July in the presence of Provincial Grand Master Peter Taylor and his lady Pat. There were nearly 70 lots provided, from a beautiful ring through paintings, bottles and promises of flights, holidays, tuition in an array of skills, and much more besides. Auctioneer Michael Tomley was called on for all of his professional wiles as he attempted to part over 100 people from their cash.

Melvin Gough had ensured a well organised event in fine surroundings, and a pleasant meal set things on their way after a welcome from Roger Pemberton and a game of Heads and Tails led by Jeremy Lund raised the first money of the evening.

Bidding was canny rather than rash, but Peter Robinson had assembled a catalogue of lots that raised anticipation, and which demonstrated the enormous generosity of the Shropshire Brethren. Thanks to this (and other gestures such as Michael Tomley’s printing of the catalogue), the evening was cost-free to the SMCA. Some lively singing from one table developed as Wales negotiated the quarter-finals of the European Championships in their match against Belgium.

Results are yet to be confirmed, but rudimentary maths suggest a profit that will approach and even exceed £7000… What a great result for the 2019 Festival! To all who were involved in the organisation of the event, and to those who took part, many thanks. Anne Jones won the raffled hamper of goodies as the formal proceedings closed and a successful night saw some happy bidders enjoy a last drink before home.