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Fermor Hesketh Lodge holds ladies to dine

The brethren of Fermor Hesketh Lodge No 1350 were delighted to be able to entertain their ladies and non-Masonic guests at their annual ladies to dine evening, held at Litherland Masonic Hall.

WM Ian Thomas and his wife Judith.

WM Ian Thomas and his wife Judith.

The evening got off to a great start with the WM Ian Thomas taking the opportunity to welcome all the visitors and members hoping that they would all enjoy the evening. There were some 30 members and guests present.

Before the meal was served Derek Finney gave grace. The caterers had prepared a fine three course meal of soup, gammon and profiteroles and with wine on the table, the wine stewards were soon busily at work ensuring the members and guests were suitably provided for.

During the meal Ken Meath was as always very busy selling raffle tickets. There was a plethora of prizes including 13 bottles.

When the meal was finished Derek returned grace, followed by Ian Thomas who asked all to stand for the loyal toast.

It was time then for Derek’s deadly dialogue presentation. Derek has made a name for himself for the presentation of funny, quirky tales and stories which reflect all walks of life. His presentation was very well received judging by the applause which rang around the room.

The next on the agenda was the raffle; Ken invited Ian Thomas and his wife Judith to draw the tickets. Ken in his usual unhurried way commenced the raffle. Incredibly each table seemed to be getting prizes with not one table left out. After the raffle Ian announced the amount raised was a creditable £150 and informed all that the money raised would be going to both Masonic and non-Masonic charities.

As the evening drew to a close Ian wished everyone a safe journey home and thanked all for attending.

Tasters of the evening.

Tasters of the evening.