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Dorset Masters’ Lodge congratulates the Master Elect of the Berkshire Masters’ Lodge – Dorset Freemasonry

Dorset Freemasonry

The Worshipful Master of Dorset Masters’ Lodge congratulates the Master Elect of the Berkshire Masters’ Lodge, ably supported by the Assistant Secretaries of both Lodges.

Colin Hayes, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire was declared Master Elect at an enjoyable meeting where Brethren were entertained to a fascinating illustrated talk from Ryland James on the perils of car rallying in South America (it should appear that Jeremy Clarkson is not the only petrol-head to have experienced a hair-raising incident in that region!).

Colin’s Installation will take place at the Berkshire Masonic Centre in Sindlesham on Saturday, 29th October

The photograph shows, left to right: Paul Ilott , Assistant Secretary of Dorset Masters’ Lodge, Clive Deakin, Worshipful Master of Dorset Masters’ Lodge, Colin Hayes, Master Elect of Berkshire Masters’ Lodge and Stanhope Crooks, Assistant Secretary of Berkshire Masters’ Lodge.