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Work a second degree ceremony at The Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity at their May meeting – Dorset Freemasonry – The Three Pillars Club

Our New and Young Masons Group, “The Three Pillars Club” have had their most recent event and an ambitious one it was too!

The Three Pillars were honoured to be invited to work a second degree ceremony at The Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity at their May meeting. Club members from 8 different lodges took office with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master acting as candidate during a fun filled night.

Kings Court Masonic Lodge‘s Phil Bond acted as Master and led his team superbly with everyone delivering excellent ritual, stand out was Lodge of St Mark’s Stephen Groves who delivered his first ever second degree tracing board to the DPGM in style. The festive board afterwards was enjoyed by all with a healthy buzz of conversation and laughter.

The Three Pillars’ newest member Paul Fowler of Bleckly Clarke Lodge 8290 – Blandford Forum was one of many supporting members who came along for the evening and swelled the numbers to over 40. It was a great night enjoyed by all and The Three Pillars Club thanked The Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity for their hospitality and the opportunity to work a ceremony.

What next? Well plans are a foot to “raise” our DPGM in the early Autumn, if you would like us to visit your lodge then contact Alex McCombie by emailing [email protected]