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Cumbria Freemasons collect for North Lakes Foodbank

Foodbank Collections - North Lakes Foodbank

Foodbank Collections – North Lakes Foodbank

Collection boxes have been placed in all Masonic Halls in the West Cumberland and South West Cumberland Groups, which will be collected mid-December and delivered to the Foodbank.

A little about North Lakes Foodbank

A Foodbank…

Gives nutritionally balanced food and support to people experiencing emotional or financial crisis. We are part of the Foodbank network which is mobilising communities across the UK to meet the needs of their neighbours by setting up a Foodbank in their own town. Could you donate to the North Lakes Foodbank? Visit the Trussell Trust Website for further information about how a Foodbank works and the Foodbank Network.

Our Mission…

The North Lakes Foodbank helps individuals and families in crisis, through the provision of emergency food supplies. All food is given to people who are experiencing crisis identified by care professionals – Advisory services for welfare and debt, Medical teams, Social Workers, Housing floating support teams, Childrens support teams, Church and Community/Charity Workers. We have more than 125 of these care professionals who are voucher holders for us. They give out vouchers which are exchanged for the food which is nutritionally balanced to last the individual, couple or family 3 days. The amount of people through our Allerdale and Copeland we are feeding each month is growing rapidly, over 100% rise year on year. Some of the needs are as a result of benefit delay, low income, ill health, homelessness, sickness and housing issues.

We collect food from customers at supermarkets, churches, schools and through local groups. We see food as a catalyst for change by providing emergency food immediately to meet a crisis situation with some practical help while Care Professionals look at longer-term strategies.

We give out shopping lists for people to buy items of food from. The non-perishable food is handed in to collections points throughout Allerdale and Copeland. Food is given out from our distribution centres where clients are offered a hot drink, a biscuit and a friendly chat. Here clients will be signposted to agencies to help further with their requirements. Voucher holders can pick up the food for clients if they are not in a position to collect for themselves.

We opened our doors in early November 2009 not knowing that we would be needed so urgently after the Floods happened as a key part of the Cockermouth Flood Action Response. Our vision now is to make the Foodbank accessible to all those in need across the whole of Allerdale and Copeland.

Submitted on 29th November 2017  by W.Bro Ken Archer