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Clay Shooting Society Launched

If music be the food of love, play on and shoot!

So two Worshipful Brethren from the Provincial “Bruvvers out Loud” Choir  Roger Nash and Ruffy Ruffles discovered a joint love of clay pigeon shooting and have launched  the Suffolk Masonic Charity Clay Shoot.

R&R Promotions was born and, supported by many Freemasons including several senior Provincial Officers, it went on over the following years to raise several thousands of pounds for the East Anglian Children’s Hospice as well as introducing many newcomers, both male and female and young and old, to the sport.

Today, R&R Promotions is no longer having just been taken over by SMaCSS. To mark the impending tenth year of clay shooting sponsored by Suffolk Masons, the Suffolk Masonic Charity Clay Shooting Society Management Committee has been formed with Roger Nash in the Chair. Keen shooters Bob Rudd and Shane Brereton have been appointed Secretary and Treasurer respectively and the Bye-Laws have been approved and issued. The founding objectives of SMaCSS are to promote friendship amongst its members, arrange friendly competitions between those members and other masonic clay shooting societies and to encourage newcomers to the sport. It is a non-profit making society, with its aims in supporting masonic and non-masonic charities alike. The committee is grateful that the President’s office is filled by the PGM and the DPGM is the Vice President.

SMaCSS is affiliated to the National Association of Masonic Clay Shooting Societies (NAMCSS) and Roger, representing Suffolk, attended their recent AGM. Nineteen Provinces have now joined including Suffolk and our neighbouring provinces. Recognising a good man when they see one, the National Association elected Roger onto the governing committee. The NAMCSS will have overall responsibility for the National shoot and it will invite other provinces from the six regions to host it. Already booked are Warwickshire for 2016, Essex for 2017 with applications soon being requested for 2018.

Membership of SMaCSS is now open. Both Full and Associate membership is available –

SMaCSS Membership Application Form

Click here to see the Bye-Laws for eligibility.

Entries have just opened for the 2016 Suffolk Charity Clay Shoot and further details may be obtained from Bob Rudd by email.

Click here to read the Flyer for the event and Charity Shoot Entry Form 2016. We are very much hoping and looking forward to seeing you at High Lodge on June 25th this year and hopefully again later in the year when we hope to stage another event possibly in West Suffolk. You may be assured of a very warm welcome.