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Charity Ball – East Kent Masons support President of the Friends of the RMBI

The annual Charity Ball of the Friends of the RMBI, was a grand occasion and thoroughly enjoyable event for all who attended.  It was held at the City Grange Hotel adjacent to Tower Bridge, and it provided a fitting platform for this year’s President, Geoffrey Dearing, to make some outstanding presentations.  Geoffrey is the Head of Freemasonry in the Masonic Province of East Kent, and he was well supported at the Ball by members and their partners from that area, as well as many who attended from all over England and Wales, including some of Freemasonry’s leading national figures.

The Friends of the RMBI is a small group of Freemasons who, for over thirty years, have been raising money specifically for the Good Neighbour Fund, which is used to provide holidays each year for Brethren and their dependants, who might not otherwise have the opportunity to have a break.

2b-e1466263525366Following the dinner, and before the big band got everyone onto the dance floor, the President addressed all present in glowing terms about the work of the RMBI, and took the opportunity to make a magnificent presentation of £30,000, from the Friends of the RMBI, to the Good Neighbour Fund.

John Dalley has been a long-term Friends supporter and event organiser. To mark his sad and unexpected passing just a few days before the Ball, the President took the opportunity to present an additional £5,000 from the Friends, to the Good Neighbour Fund, in John Dalley’s name.  Both cheques were warmly received by James Newman, Deputy President of the MCF and Past President of the RMBI.
Finally, the President went on to present £5,000 from the Province of East Kent to the Friends of the RMBI, which was received by Friends Chairman, John Reuther.

The dancing began and a great night was had by all.  Geoffrey Dearing particularly wanted to thank those members of the Province of East Kent and their partners, who supported him and his wife, Liz, on this very special occasion.

Footnote:  The RMBI, a distinct element of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF), has cared for older Freemasons and their families, as well as some people in the community, since 1842.  It currently provides a home for over 1,100 people across England and Wales, while supporting many more.