Masonic Learning with Dr Robert Lomas’ Podcast Initiative

Since UGLE closed down masonic meetings until the lockdown is over and the nasty virus of Covid-19 is under some level of control. How does the fraternity of Freemasonry continue? Zoom meetings are becoming the way forward and Masonic brethren that usually tour Lodges and Chapters giving lectures now offering webinars to keep the Masonic spirit alive amongst the Brethern and Companions.

Freemasons Help State Schools

The Middlesex Shooting Sports Lodge, No. 1702, sponsored a successful application for a grant for the Young Enterprise. The Young Enterprise (YE) is an educational charity and its mission is to empower young people to discover, develop and celebrate their skills and potential. Every year YE delivers learner experience in some 3,500 schools, FE colleges … Read more

Freemasons donate £1,000 to Alzheimer’s Society

Jersey Lodge, No. 2163 presented a cheque for £1,000 at its recent Installation Meeting to the Alzheimer’s Society in memory of W. Bro John Morrison. Present at the meeting, held on Monday 5th November 2018 at Uxbridge Masonic Centre, were Betty Morrison, Pippa Holdup from the Alzheimer’s Society, Brethren and guests. Betty was also presented … Read more

Freemasons donate to St Francis Hospice.

It was the wish of the Worshipful Master of Fortitude Lodge, No. 6503, W. Bro Mark Blackford that his chosen charity for his year in the Chair should be the St Francis Hospice in Berkhamsted, particularly as this particular hospice has had a connection with the Lodge having provided services to family members of Fortitude … Read more