Local Freemason’s Lodge Santa Faz donates €4300 to Aspanion.

On Friday, November 3rd, the Worshipful Master, WBro Brian Duncan and his Lady, Beryl, visited Alicante University General Hospital to present a cheque for four thousand, three hundred euros to Aspanion, a Charity for Children with Cancer.  The cheque was presented on behalf of the Santa Faz Lodge No 48, and was received by Alejandro Garcia … Read more

Freemasons donate clothes and shoes El Preventorio

Caring for over fifty children ranging in age from three to fourteen, is no easy matter, particularly as they receive no official help. The children wear out, and grow out of, clothes and shoes at an alarming rate. It is a never ending battle to keep them well clothed and shod.

Freemasons celebrate their annual Ladies Night in Benidorm

On Saturday, 21st October, more than two hundred Freemasons from all over the Province assembled in Benidorm for their annual Provincial Ladies Night. Masons from the north of Castellon to the south of Alicante turned out for a grand celebratory dinner, with friends which included live entertainment and a grand charity raffle. Each Lodge throughout the … Read more