Freemasons Christmas Shoebox Appeal by Caledonia Lodge

Local Freemason, Freddie Samrai and his lovely wife Carol organized a “CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX APPEAL” on behalf of Caledonia Lodge, for the under privileged children of Torrevieja.  With much support from other Lodges, individual Masons and several local charities, plus many anonymous donations (some listed below) 100 boxes filled with presents were given.  As a result every child will … Read more

Local Freemasons donate patient bed lift to Torrevieja Hospital.

On Monday, 19th February, Caledonia Lodge No. 68 from Quesada, was pleased to present a patient bed lift to Torrevieja Hospital. It was purchased some time ago for their own use but having been stored for a while, and only having been used once, it was decided to donate it to the hospital where far … Read more