Freemasons £23,000 Grant Helps Local Children ‘Reach the Stars’

Young people with disabilities and complex learning difficulties will be making music with the Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts Trust (NMPAT) thanks to a grant presented by Northants and Hunts Freemasons. The £23,000 Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) grant is in support of the Reach the Stars project, which aims to use music-making to develop communication … Read more

Freemasons donate £3400 do Autumn Day Care Centre for over 50’s

On Thursday the 8th of November 2018, the Masters of the six Corby lodges were very proud to present a cheque for £3,400 to Lee and Suzanne from the Autumn Centre. The Autumn Centre ( is a charity day care centre based in Corby run especially for the over 50s. The Centre is open 5-days … Read more

Freemasons Donation helps Hinchingbrooke Hospital purchase an AquaVENT Heated Breathing System

On Monday the 22nd October three members of Samuel Pepys Lodge No 8330 visited Hinchingbrooke Hospital to present Sister Sam Clayton-Roberts, of the Critical Care Unit, a cheque for £8,100. The donation was to enable them to purchase an AquaVENT machine. AquaVENT Heated Breathing Systems combine technological advances in thermal conductivity and breathing circuit construction to deliver optimal and controlled humidification. Basically, it assists patients in a serious condition to breath without causing damage to their respiratory systems.

Chicheley Freemasons Supports No Gain, No Pain UK

A donation of £1,400 from Chicheley Lodge No. 607 and the Provincial Grand Charity will allow No Gain, No Pain UK to purchase a much-needed syringe driver for the St Ives area. No Gain, No Pain UK was set up to help purchase Syringe Drivers. These are essential tools that provide pain relief for palliative care. … Read more

Freemasons Helping The Homeless: Tibor’s Story

Tibor is a 59-year old Slovakian who has been homeless for 7-years following being made redundant from his job. His mental health along with his physical health is poor and he had attempted suicide on a number of occasions. He told me the volunteers at the Three Pillars Feeding The Homeless Trust that he could not face another winter on the streets and he was extremely stressed.