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Brain research awarded £600k since 1990 – Masonic Charitable Foundation

Brain research awarded £600k since 1990

Posted: 23rd March 2016

For this year’s Brain Awareness Week, the Masonic Charitable Foundation looks back at the support Freemasons have provided to further research into brain related conditions.

Since 1990, Masonic charity has donated almost £600k to 12 brain research charities.

Most of this financial support has been awarded to advance the diagnosis and treatments for brain related injuries, illnesses and tumours. Support has also been given to rehabilitation and support services operated by national charities.

One of the charities supported, The Brain Tumour Charity, received £100,000 during 2014 for their research which is developing more effective treatments for highly-aggressive tumours.

Sarah Lindsell, Chief Executive of The Brain Tumour Charity, said: “Research is the only way we will beat brain tumours and this donation will make a significant difference, helping to bring hope to patients and their families facing this devastating disease.”

The Brain Research Trust received over £200k in support between 1990 and 2014 for a range of projects. Their latest research, led by Dr Jonathan Schott at UCL, aims to revolutionise our understanding and current treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr Schott said: “Understanding how genetic and lifestyle factors come together to influence an individual’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is critical if we are to prevent the onset of dementia. I am very grateful to Freemasons for their support of this vital work”.

During 2015, £50,000 was awarded to the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability (RNH) to create a rehabilitation hub for adults who have suffered severe brain injury or illness. The new area will offer an extensive range of clinical services including physiotherapy, speech and language therapy and dentistry.

Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign committed to educating the public about the brain and increasing awareness of brain research. We are very proud to reflect upon the previous 15 years of financial support that Freemasons have provided to progress and benefit brain research.

The table below shows the full list of grants awarded in support of brain related conditions since 1990.

Charity Year Amount Purpose
Brain and Spine Foundation 1994-1999 £5,750 Helping people affected by brain and spine conditions.
National Brain Injury Centre 1994 £2,500 Supporting people experiencing mental illness.
Headway 1991 – 2003 £87,500 Providing information, support and services to brain injury survivors.
Rescue Foundation for the Brain Injured Infant 1999 £2,500 Addressing the causes of brain injuries resulting in cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders.
Brainwave 1994 £4,000 Improving children’s mobility and learning potential through a range of educational and physical therapies.
The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability 2015 £50,000 Providing an extensive range of rehabilitation and long-term care services for people affected by brain injury.
British Institute for Brain Injured Children 2007 £30,000 Supporting and caring for children and families dealing with a number of different brain conditions.
BASIC 2000 – 2009 £16,000 Helping those affected by brain or spinal injury
B.I.R.D – Brain Injury Rehabilitation & Development 1990 – 2000 £56,000 Offering specialised treatment to children and adults with brain injuries and/or learning difficulties.
Brain Research Trust 1990 – 2015 £201,500 Funding world-class research into neurological conditions and diseases.
The Brain Tumour Charity 2011 – 2014 £130,000 Fighting to defeat brain cancer and help the lives of people with a brain tumour.
Child Brain Injury Trust 2011 – 2014 £5,000 Researching the effects of ‘traumatic’ injury on a child’s developing brain.