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Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Worcestershire 2016

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Worcestershire took place at Kings Heath, Birmingham on Saturday 9th July 2016.

Provincial Grand Master his Deputy and Assistant PGM's

Provincial Grand Master his Deputy and Assistant PGM’s

The Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Eric John Rymer welcomed and introduced seventeen visiting Provincial Grand Masters together with a large number of Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters representing 29 Provinces.

In addition he welcomed Rulers and Representatives of many other orders.

A strong turn out of 200 on a warm day enjoyed a splendid occasion during which the PGM re-appointed and Invested his Deputy V W Bro John Anthony King PGMO, and his Assistant W Bro Jeffrey William Whiteley, PGSD.

W Bro Cecil Cariss, Senior Warden and W Bro Michael Gage, Junior Warden were invested following which the PGM expressed thanks on behalf of the province to the outgoing Wardens for their dedication and regular attendance at Installation meetings throughout the year. He extended best wishes on behalf of the Province to W Bro Paul Yarnell and his father W Bro Norman Yarnell.

Incoming Wardens 2016

Incoming Wardens 2016

Whilst addressing the meeting he reviewed his first year of office saying how much he had enjoyed the year although it seemed to have passed all too quickly. Looking to the future he made particular mention of Charity. His hope is that Worcestershire will now focus its efforts in raising monies towards the Hope for Tomorrow Charity and the Provision of the Mobile Chemotherapy Units as promised by Mark Master Masons.

(His full address will shortly be available).

R W Bro Stuart Edwards with R W Bro Francis Spencer

R W Bro Stuart Edwards with R W Bro Francis Spencer

A standing ovation greeted the appearance of R W Bro Stuart Edwards on his return to our lodge following his long recovery from injury.

R W Bro Frank Spencer also received rapturous applause on his entry into lodge following his enforced period of absence.

Their smiling faces expression enough to see how glad they were to be back among their many friends.