Reading Time: 2 minutes

A feast of ritual and hospitality

The members and guests of Morecambe Chapter No 1561 gave an especially enthusiastic welcome to John William Robson when he attended their installation convocation as principal guest. On the occasion John was attended by acting Provincial officers Jim Richards and David Tattersall.

The meeting held at Morecambe Masonic Hall saw Stephen Plevey installed as first principal by Brian Dewhurst in an impeccable ceremony which brought much acclaim from all the companions present. Taking the purple robe of second principal was Craig Simpson and Peter Jackson the blue robe of third principal. The robe addresses certainly maintained the high quality of the proceedings. That to the first principal was delivered with the clarity we have come to expect from John Bates. The address to the second principal was given by Roy Norman, a tried and trusted companion who has been giving this particular address for the last six years and not to be outdone, that to the third principal was given with a great deal of dignity and sincerity by Geoffrey Wilman.

As the ceremony drew to a close it presented the opportunity for John to rise and bring the greetings and best wishes of the Grand Superintendent Tony Harrison whom John was sure would have been absolutely delighted by what had been a tremendous ceremony. Special praise was given to Brian Dewhurst for the way he had conducted himself during the ceremony.

At the festive board, John brought his own congratulations to the principals. He hoped they would enjoy their year in office and had great confidence that the chapter would support and help them. John was pleased to see that the chapter had a candidate for exaltation as it showed the chapter was heading in the right direction. Further thanks were offered to the long serving officers of the chapter that sometimes get overlooked such as the almoner and charity steward. John continued by informing the companions that Provincial Grand Chapter would be held later than normal in the year, hence there had been no announcements yet of any Royal Arch Provincial honours.  Provincial Grand Chapter is a delightful occasion and John hoped the companions present would be only too willing to support our Grand Superintendent, as it is open to all and well worth a visit.

John also raised the ongoing Tercentenary celebrations with special emphasis on the forthcoming Lancaster and District group service at the parish church of St John the Divine, Sandylands. In conclusion John was exuberant in his praise for the day’s proceedings as it was “a wonderful feast of ritual and hospitality” and was delighted to see the ceremony being delivered and the principals installed with so much skill and assiduity.

To complete the evening there was a stirring performance of the principals’ song by Fred Fox with accompaniment from David Tattersall.

Article by Paul Thompson. Photograph courtesy of Stewart Aimson.

Pictured from left to right, are; Craig Simpson, Stephen Plevey, John Robson and Peter Jackson.

Pictured from left to right, are; Craig Simpson, Stephen Plevey, John Robson and Peter Jackson.