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Yateley Lodge No. 9107 make donation to Action Bladder Cancer Charity

North East Area of Hampshire Freemasons

Yateley Lodge No. 9107 have recently been able to provide a valuable donation to the Action Bladder Cancer Charity. W.Bro. Steve Saunders during his year as Worshipful Master of the Lodge was committed to providing assistance to this important charity.

‘I had met Allen Knight through my work, and as such have become close friends’, said Steve. ‘Sadly Allen was diagnosed with bladder cancer a few years ago and is happily, after receiving treatment, in remission. Allen then involved himself with Action Bladder Cancer and is now their Chairman. I informed Allen that I would do what I could to pledge support, given how hard Allen works to raise money for this worthy cause.’ The Brethren of Yateley Lodge were extremely happy to support the charity.

Steve also commented that he will continue to personally support Action Bladder Cancer, and that they are organising a trek in for next year to raise money and awareness.

More information on the charity is available here: