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Worcestershire Masonic Library & Museum staging a unique Exhibition at The Guildhall in Worcester

Worcestershire Guildhall

The Worcestershire Masonic Library and Museum will be staging a unique Exhibition at The Guildhall in Worcester between the 23rd of July and the 5th August 2017, as part of the celebrations of 300 years of Freemasonry.

This Exhibition, which will be the largest ever staged by the Library and Museum, will also, celebrate the 130th year since the original Exhibition at the Guildhall in 1887, held by George Taylor, the originator of the Library and Museum, and after who the George Taylor Lodge is named.

This Exhibition will also coincide with the Three Choirs Festival, being held at Worcester Cathedral on the same dates.

It is anticipated that there will be numerous visitors to the City on those dates, and in particular the Cathedral and the Guildhall which are in close proximity with each other.

The Library and Museum are therefore looking for supporters/helpers to be available during these two weeks to help with looking after visitors and meeting and greeting and generally enlightening visitors on the history of Freemasonry and explaining what the Exhibition is about.

If you are a Library and Museum representative for your Lodge or Chapter, it is anticipated that you may want to help.

Indeed, any help from “Friends” of Library and Museum or any Brethren who feel they can help in any way please contact Bill Mason on [email protected] with available dates and times.

Any help you can give, no matter how small will be most welcome.

For more information about Freemasonry in the Province of Worcestershire  visit

For Membership Enquiries Visit  and address your enquiry to the Provincial Secretary

