Reading Time: < 1 minute

A wonderful meeting of the Charity Lodges

A wonderful meeting of the Charity Lodges was held this year at Crewe Street under the banner of the Salopian Lodge of Charity 117. Brethren from as far away as Ireland attended and were treated to a fascinating ceremony which included excerpts from the Almoners Book and History over the last 207 years read by Bro Wood, and to a Walking Charge presented by a team of Brethren.

Everyone then retired downstairs for a Shropshire Festive Board with fidget pie and Shrewsbury biscuits. A coincidental placing of three Brothers in adjacent seats inspired the photograph below, with the caption “I look up to him” — or, alternatively (from WBro Griffiths) “I know my place!” A great meeting – we look forward to next year.