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Wellchild Charity Receives a cheque from Freemasons – Lincoln Masonic Centre

As part of the Grand Charity grant awards announced in October, £40, 000 was awarded to the charity WELLCHILD to fund a nurse for children with long-term and complex health conditions in the East Midlands. Brethren from 3 Provinces Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire attended Queen’s Medical Centre at Nottingham on the 3rd December to present the cheque to the Charity. Those attending Rt. W. Bro Philip Marshall PGM and W. Bro Roger Garrett Provincial Grand Charity Steward of Nottinghamshire, W. Bro Michael Hitchcock Provincial Grand Charity Steward of Derbyshire, W. Bro Peter Brooks Provincial Communications Officer and W. Bro Bruce Goodman Provincial Grand Charity Steward of Lincolnshire received an informative talk on WELLCHILD’s work from Jason Blackburn, Dr.David Thomas, Nurse Rachel Gregory and a tour round one of the Paediatric wards and see some of the Ventilation equipment in action. Also a very moving insight from Leanne (who lives near Lincoln) and her family into the how the Charity has helped her daughter Sophie to be at home and be as a family together. Sophie is a young child who suffers from Cerebral palsy from a premature birth problem and whose long term and complex health problems mean she needs medical support to breathe normally. You can see her moving story on YouTube

On the photo collage you can see a copy of the thank you letter from Sophie’s twin sister Erica. It reads ‘To all of you People thank you for helping Wellchild and well great jobs too. From Sophies twin sister Erica!’

£40,000 awarded to the charity WELLCHILD to fund a nurse for children with long-term and complex health conditions in the East Midlands.

Wellchild is a charity for seriously ill children and young people in the UK to have the best quality of care whatever their diagnosis, situation and location.  Also creating safe and practical spaces for children and families, mutual support and connecting families with similar seriously ill children, and funding initiatives to improve children’s healthcare. This Grant from the Grand Charity will enable Wellchild to help fund a Network of Children’s Nurses ensuring children with complex care needs can leave hospital and be cared for at home wherever possible. Follow the link to learn more on Wellchild’s work.
