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WBro Robert (Bob) Jenkins 50 years a Mason

On Tuesday 7th of November 2017, W.Bro Bob Jenkins celebrated 50 years, in Freemasonry, at a meeting of the Woodlands Lodge, No: 4447, being originally initiated into the Tracery Lodge No: 4719, which met at Hope Street in Liverpool.

WBro Gary Horstman, (APGM Area 2) accompanied by a large contingent of Grand and Acting Provincial Officers and Visitors, attended the Lodge to Celebrate Bobs Anniversary. During the evening, on the instruction of the PGM, he was promoted to the rank of PPrGSwdBr to mark the Special Occasion.
Bob, who has been a keen member of the Woodlands Lodge, is very much still an active member as the Lodge Treasurer, enjoyed his Special Evening, and we look forward to celebrating his 60th in due course.