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Warwickshire Freemasons 2020 Vision – The future of My lodge

2020 Vision

2020 Vision – The Future of My Lodge

The first group of Masters and Wardens to attend the new 2020 Vision – The Future of My Lodge presentation met at Severn Street on Monday 4th September with 25 Masters and Wardens attending. This was the first of 16 presentations being held over a two week period in Masonic Centres throughout the Province aimed at all WMs and Wardens who have been personally invited to attend by the Provincial Grand Master.

The Seminar was opened by Asst PGM Peter Manning who welcomed all present, and confirmed the aim of the presentation was to focus on following up the Three Year Plan initiative launched to Lodges in 2015 by encouraging the Masters and Wardens to revisit their Plans, rethink how they want the Lodge to move forward and to adapt their Plan for a further three years and secure the future of their Lodge.

Peter then introduced the members of the Education and Development Committee who would run the event, Mike Hogarth and John Handley, who led the presentation in a lively and engaging style.

The aim of the presentation was to share best practice and encourage and motivate the brethren present to focus on developing, with the Lodge members involved and with a shared commitment, an updated, effective Three Year Plan which covered the key areas within a Lodge and would ensure its continuing success – Succession Planning, Recruitment, Retention, Re-engagement, Mentoring and Social Media and Communication.

The attendees were encouraged to relate the suggestions made in the content to their own Lodges and consider how their current practices can be enhanced and improved, to implement some of the initiatives outlined after discussion involving their Lodge members and where appropriate change how the Lodge operates.

Finally, Peter Manning thanked them all for coming and hoped that they would share some of the best practice ideas outlined with their Lodge members, seek their commitment to try something new and instil in them a determination to ensure their Lodge will prosper.

The feedback was positive and the key messages well received by all attendees.