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Update on the Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline

Daniel and Charlotte with one of the families in Ukraine

Daniel and Charlotte with one of the families in Ukraine

Daniel John and his wife Charlotte run the Herne Bay branch of the Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline and they raise funds and purchase equipment that they deliver to a group of deprived children in Ukraine. These children and their families have suffered from the effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant disaster that occurred in 1986.

The 30th anniversary of the disaster was marked by a commemorative service at Canterbury Cathedral on 26th April 2016. Click here to read the report.

While they have achieved a great deal already, the needs are ongoing and Daniel and Charlotte continue with their valuable work. In August 2016, having completed yet another round of fund-raising, they made another trip to Borodyanka with some kits for a local boys football team together with some medical equipment for the local primary care doctors. They were also able to finance the building of new toilets for children at a school in a small village called Novvy Korogod and some extensive dental treatment for an 11 year old girl.

Daniel John is currently the Senior Warden of the Union Lodge No 127 in Margate and in January, he will be installed as Master of that lodge. The lodge has been pleased to help Daniel with his appeals and covered the cost of the girl’s dental treatment.

Click here to read more in Daniel and Charlotte’s latest newsletter.