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Tim Bourne Skittle Challenge

Tim Bourne Skittle Challenge 2016

The Pembroke Power Station Skittle Alley was the location for the second Tim Bourne Skittle Trophy challenge between Castlemartin Lodge and Loyal Welsh Lodge.  The trophy donated by Wor Bro Peter Rogers and Wor Bro Dai Rees was a memorial to the late Wor Bro Tim Bourne. Prior to the match Captains – Wor Bro George Manning of Loyal Welsh Lodge (holders of the trophy), and Wor Bro David Greig Castlemartin Lodge (Challengers) had apparently agreed the match to be played over four legs with ten players in each team.  On this occasion Loyal Welsh turned up with nine lodge members, whilst Castlemartin had ten.  It was noted that Loyal Welsh had not brought in some ‘ringers’ for the event. Wor Bro Dai Rees being an honorary member of Loyal Welsh was co-opted onto the Loyal Welsh team to even the numbers which was a very bad mistake. At the end of the third leg Loyal Welsh were 11 shots down.  This was pulled back to five shots down after some very fine skittling from the Loyal Welsh team.  Dai Rees let Loyal Welsh down badly by placing two of his three woods out of rink. Bro Dave Powell managed to get close with some fine shots to end the match three shots down.  The match being so finely completed Loyal Welsh put in a protest and tried in vain to get two more legs to try and retain the trophy.  Wor Bro David Greig stood his ground without too much protest from Wor Bro George Manning.  A sumptuous buffet followed, and the evening closed with a raffle which raised a very hearty sum which was placed into the Lodge building fund.