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Thanet Freemasons donate £19,500 to Beach within Reach Charity

Debbie Fifield from Beach Within Reach receives the cheque from the group of local Freemasons

Debbie Fifield from Beach Within Reach receives the cheque from the group of local Freemasons

On the 24th August, Craft and Chapter Charity Stewards from Area 8, gathered on Broadstairs Beach to present a fantastic donation to this year’s local charity “Beach within Reach”. Area 8 covers the Freemasons’ lodges and chapters that meet in Birchington, Broadstairs, Margate, Ramsgate, Sandwich and Westgate.

An all-terrain wheelchair depicting the CEKFC logo
An all-terrain wheelchair depicting the CEKFC logo


Also present were the Provincial Grand Charity Stewards, Mark Bassant and John Gallagher and the Master of Trinity Lodge, Mike Salter and his wife Carol. Mike and Carol chose “Beach Within Reach” to be the beneficiary of funds raised by Trinity Lodge during Mike’s year. When combined with money raised by Mike and fellow Trinity Lodge member Dave Kirby, on their sponsored walk along the Great Wall of China, the total raised was £7,000.

Members of the local chapters and lodges were also encouraged to donate to this very worthy charity. Fifteen local lodges and chapters raised a total of £3,250 which was matched by the Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons’ Charity bringing the area’s total to £6,500.

The Cornwallis East Kent Freemason’s Charity (CEKFC) then very generously topped that sum up to £12,500 which, combined with the monies raised by Dave Kirby, gave a grand total of £19,500. 

At the presentation the Secretary of Beach within Reach, Debbie Fifield, commented on the generosity of the local Freemasons. “The Charity’s aim was to raise £40,000 for the purchase of a couple of new ‘All Terrain’ wheelchairs to replace the very old and repaired ones currently being used. With our combined fundraising that total has now reached £60,000, far beyond the charity’s expectations, enabling us buy another wheelchair.”

Debbie confirmed that all new chairs will proudly sport the CEKFC Logo to mark the valuable support received from local Freemasons.

Report by James Mason.