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Teulada-Moraira Alzheimer’s Society (AFA) receive €500 from local Freemasons

Immediate Past Master of the Oliva La Safor Lodge – Worshipful Brother Graham Simons visited the Teulada-Moraira Alzheimer’s Society (AFA) to present staff with a cheque for €500.

Graham, the Immediate Past Master of the Oliva La Safor Lodge, had selected AFA as one of the lodge’s charities for his year as Master and during that period the donation was raised by members of the Lodge at various fundraising events.

AFA is partly funded by the local council who provide the necessary professional staff to obtain the correct operating licences but it also relies very heavily on charitable donations and volunteers.

Like many charities, there is always a need for goods, services and above all, money.

The €500 donation will be used to service AFA’s minibus and purchase four new tyres for it.

Graham was met by Carmen Mudaira, psychologist and Director of AFA and Sylvia Tatnell, AFA’s President who is also the former deputy Mayor of Teulada.

Carmen and Sylvia gave Graham an interesting insight into AFA’s work and a short tour of the facilities.

Graham was greatly impressed by the care with which the patients are treated at AFA. Much emphasis is placed on keeping the patients as active as they can be and many methods are used to keep them as mentally active as possible.

The patients are not simply given a TV to watch but are given as many different stimuli as possible. There is a TV but this is used mainly for games and puzzles which help to stave off some of the worst effects of this terrible disease for as long as possible.

AFA is open from 8.00am until 8.00pm and food is provided for all.

It is open to all nationalities and currently has a mix of English, Spanish and Dutch patients.

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