Brecon Freemasons welcome Llangasty Womens Institute

On Wednesday 13th June, the Brecon Freemasons played hosts to members of Llangasty Womens Institute. The ladies received a very informative presentation from V. Wor. Bro Dr Paul Calderwood on the origins of Freemasonry that then progressed through to Freemasony’s role in present day Society. The ladies were then invited into the Lodge Temple where … Read more

Masters & Wardens Conference – Saturday 17th September – Uxbridge

For those WMs and Wardens who haven’t replied yet, I would like to invite you to attend the 2016 WM and Wardens Conference, which is to be held at: The Uxbridge Masonic Centre, Western House, 4a Hercies Road, Hillingdon, Middlesex UB10 9NA on Saturday 17th September 2016, commencing at 10.00AM. Coffee and registration will be from 9.30AM.