Freemasons Support Kirkwood Hospice in Kirklees

For 30 years Kirkwood Hospice in Kirklees has provided specialist care, free of charge, to adults with advanced, progressive illnesses with the aim of ‘improving the lives of people with incurable conditions so that they can make the most of the time that they have left’. The Hospice provides a 16-bed in-patient unit, a Support … Read more

Robert Adam, Freemason and Pre-Eminent Neoclassical Architect of the Eighteenth Century

Robert Adam, FRS [7 May 1751] (3 Jul 1728-3 Mar 1792), was a pre-eminent British neoclassical architect of the eighteenth century, interior and furniture designer. Born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, son of William Adam (1689-1748), Scotland’s foremost architect of the time, and trained under him. With his older brother John, Robert took on the family business, which included … Read more

Alain Bernheim: My Approach to Masonic History

As a French citizen who was successively a member of the Grand Orient of France – ‘that irregular body’ –, then of the Grande Loge Nationale Française – a regular one –, then of the United Grand Lodges of Germany and, for the past ten years, of the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina, Alan presents his approach to Masonic history