Masonic Learning with Dr Robert Lomas’ Podcast Initiative

Since UGLE closed down masonic meetings until the lockdown is over and the nasty virus of Covid-19 is under some level of control. How does the fraternity of Freemasonry continue? Zoom meetings are becoming the way forward and Masonic brethren that usually tour Lodges and Chapters giving lectures now offering webinars to keep the Masonic spirit alive amongst the Brethern and Companions.

The Man in Masonry

It is my task to review, or examine, with you the character of the mature mason. To do so we must first ask ourselves: What is maturity? No definition can better that of the dictionary — “the state of being, complete, perfect or ready.” Let us consider the aspect of completion

The Characteristics of a Freemason

As a point of departure and a brief introduction to our new member, let us look at him as he progresses through the various ceremonies involved in becoming a Freemason. During the course of his initiation, he was admonished to consider the volume of the sacred law an unerring standard of truth and justice and to regular his life by the divine precepts which it contains


The point about the RA which I want to discuss involves manipulation of the Divine Name in its Hebrew form, and although it may seem as though I am not talking about Freemasonry at all, I think you will find that, as 1 proceed, your attention will be seized by the similarities between what 1 am writing about and the intentions of those who compiled the RA ritual. In addition, I hope what 1 say will illustrate my contention about the rise speculative Freemasonry and the RA.

Symbolism of the Lodge

It is often said that symbolism is carried too far and this is difficult to deny when I think of Freud and other psychiatrists and psychologists who seem able to find strange and often erotic meanings in all they see. The meanings given to every image based on repetition makes the lay-person feel at a serious disadvantage when they wish to contradict anything that is given a meaning by such “Specialists.” The symbolic object, which is dredged up by the mind, seems to have no great pattern of consistency in the case of psychiatric symbol definition.