How important is a chair?

  How important is a chair? For many years Bro. Joseph Denny of Winchester Hiram Lodge #24 of Winchester, Virginia, had a special chair in his possession. His widow donated the chair to the Lodge where it was placed on display. The chair had been used for many years whenever a candidate sat to hear … Read more


Bro. Sheldon A. Munn (a member of Lafayette Lodge #194, Selins Grove, PA) is a student of the Civil War, particularly the Battle of Gettysburg. Bro Munn gives many lectures as well as writing on the Civil War and is a licensed Battlefield Guide at Gettysburg We thank him for preparing this Short Talk Bulletin. … Read more

Quarry Project Masonic Writing Style Guide

The Quarry Project Style Guide is an effort to establish consistent style for US Masonic writers and publishers—of periodicals, books, and websites.  Masonic authors, especially those who seek to have their research articles or books published, should have a copy of the Guide. Created over a period of several years, it is based on the “Chicago Style,” … Read more

Andrew Hammer in Detroit May 7th

Join the Michigan Lodge of Research and Information No. 1 on Saturday, May 7th for their biennial Lou B. Winsor Lecture with special guest, WB Andrew Hammer, for a night of Masonic education and fellowship at the incredible Detroit Masonic Temple. Andrew is a Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 in Alexandria Virginia, and President … Read more

Signed sealed delivered

Postal address When Freemasons’ Hall welcomed actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Sir Ian McKellen and Tom Hiddleston into the Grand Temple, Jessica Hopkins was in the audience to listen to messages of love and anguish in Letters Live Without words we’d be forever fumbling in the dark; letters throw light wherever they are cast.’ And so opens a night … Read more