Prestonian Lecturer Tony Harvey on the Scouts and Freemasonry

Troop leader Fellowship, harmony and shared moral values – the parallels between Freemasonry and Scouting have been explored by Tony Harvey in his Prestonian Lecture. He speaks to Andrew Gimson about what the two organisations can learn from each other Few speakers can have prepared themselves so thoroughly, or over so many years, as Tony Harvey … Read more

Grand Secretary’s column – Summer 2013

 I am pleased to let you know that your magazine, as part of our wider communications campaign, has been shortlisted for another award – this time within the Best Corporate and Business Communications category at the ‘Oscars’ of the PR industry, the CIPR Excellence Awards 2013. This is encouraging and supports the excellent feedback we … Read more

Bicentenary of the union between the Antients and Moderns Grand Lodges

Cause for celebration Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes explains that while Freemasons should be proud when a lodge celebrates a milestone anniversary, the creation of a new lodge can be an equally significant landmark Last December I commented that we should be proud of our history. I therefore have no qualms in mentioning – indeed … Read more

Keeping up appearances: taking care of Freemasons’ Hall

From building staircases and painting intricate floral plasterwork through to restoring corridors to their former glory, Stan, Damien and Stuart are part of a devoted team of craftsmen at Freemasons’ Hall who ensure that the building is preserved in all of its Art Deco grandeur. Luke Turton reports Stan Johnstone gazes at the exquisitely polished … Read more