Dorset Freemasons Bikers Banner Tour – Final Stage

Bright sunshine marked the start of the fourth and final stage of the Tour yesterday. Fifteen members of the Dorset Masonic Bikers group accompanied the Banner to the last five venues thereby completing the challenge of escorting it to every Masonic building in the Province of Dorset, a magnificent achievement befitting this #Tercentenary celebration year.

Swanage Freemasons support local Dementia charity

Derek Evans raised a very healthy £1845 during his year in the Chair of DeMoulham Lodge. He chose to make a presentation to a very worthwhile local charity, Swanage Area Dementia Community. They aim to raise awareness and understanding of Dementia in the Swanage Area

Derek can be seen in this photograph presenting the a cheque to Jean Gibbs, Chair of Swanage Area Dementia Community, on behalf of the members of DeMoulham Lodge. Jean is a retired head teacher of children with special needs.