Middlesbrough Charity Presentation Evening 2016

 After 15 years the Middlesbrough Freemasons Charity Evening is still going strong. Over 100 people gathered at the Masonic Hall Middlesbrough for this annual event, the presentation of money raised by the Freemasons of Middlesbrough and the Zetland Ladies club to local charities and good causes. Hosted by Jim Skelton of the Freemasonry in the … Read more

Province of Surrey Charity Clay Shoot

Kevin Wood takes aim During April the Province of Surrey hosted their annual Charity Clay Shoot at the Surrey Shooting School near Reigate. Fifty-six shooters met on a fine sunny morning to enjoy their obligatory bacon/sausage roll, tea and coffee before setting off on the 70 clay shoot in this picturesque wooded shooting ground.  Six … Read more

Preparation, Practice and Performance & Masonic Speech Making

One of the most satisfying and enjoyable experiences for the active and enthusiastic Freemason is to have taken part, as Master of his Lodge, in one of the ceremonies, and participating in the ritual to a standard that can only be described as “Satisfaction to yourself and advantage to your Lodge”. This would have only … Read more

Kingston Lodge 1010-150 years.

On Wednesday 1st October 2014 a celebration was held at Beverley Road Masonic Hall Hull to mark the 150 years of existence of the Kingston Lodge no 1010The members and guests numbered 106 as fire regulations restricted the attendance. The RW PGM together with the Deputy PGM, the Asst PGM’s and a Provincial team of … Read more