Reading Masons And Masons who do not Read

I suppose there are more Masons who are ignorant of all the principles of freemasonry than there are men of any other class who are chargeable with the like ignorance of their own profession. There is not a watchmaker who does not know something about the elements of horology, nor is there a blacksmith who is altogether unacquainted with the properties of red-hot iron

The Official History of Freemasonry – Part 2

The Three Stages Theory of Origin Until a few years ago, most Masons accepted the direct descend theory from Medieval Masonry to the modern Craft through three stages: operative, transitional and speculative. The first lodges regulated the trade of stonemasons working on the construction of castles, abbeys, and cathedrals. From the beginning of the seventeenth … Read more

A.G.Mackey – Selected Writings – Royal and Select

During research I was doing into the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem I came across a book in the George Holden library at the Solent Masonic Centre at Freshwater, Isle of Wight called the Book of the Chapter and printed in the United States in 1856, the Author being the famous American Masonic historian Albert Mackey MD. The book had been part of the collection of the Bombay Masonic Library in the latter half of the 19th century.