Grand Lodge of Scotland ‘plants’ a Poppy Cross (or Star of David or Crescent Moon) on behalf of every Lodge in Scotland

The Grand Lodge of Scotland Each year the Grand Lodge of Scotland ‘plants’ a Poppy Cross (or Star of David or Crescent Moon) on behalf of every Lodge in Scotland in order to remember ‘en-masse’ all the Freemasons who were members of Lodges in Scotland and who served their country in wars and other conflicts. … Read more

Famous Scottish Freemasons – Sir Walter Scott 1771 – 1832

Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh, the author of the ‘Waverly’ novels, Rob Roy, Guy Mannering, The Lady of the Lake, the Antiquary and many many others, is probably Scotland’s most famous novelist. In 1818, Scott helped instigate the discovery of the Scottish Royal Regalia (the crown and sceptre from the reign of James V), which had been hidden in … Read more